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Customer Reviews and FeedbackUpdated 3 years ago

We love getting feedback from our customers so we’ve made it easy for you to share your experience. There are a number of ways you can let us know what you think. 

Leave a Review

A few days after you receive you Posterjack order, you will receive an email inviting you to leave a review on our Yotpo review system.  This customer feedback system enables you to anonymously provide a review of your Posterjack experience. The information and rating that you provide will be displayed on our website so that potential customers can decide whether they would like to shop with us.

Share Your Experience on Social Media

Another way for you to share your Posterjack experience is to post your comments on our social media accounts. We also love to see customers post photos of their art on display, so don’t be shy! You can connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Reviews.

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